Laboratorio Lucertini ArredamentiLUCERTINI ARREDAMENTI started its activity since 1930 as joinery.
The firm is committed to excellent performance and fair-trade practices: completely focused on customer satisfaction, it combines a thorough service with a specific attention to contemporary high level furnishing, that someone loves to define “Fashion” products.
The aim of our business is to meet the needs of particular customers, equally interested in stylish, valuable and functional furniture 

since 1930 carpentry and customized design

Lucertini  Arredamenti srl  - La sede principale - Lo staff - Alessio Lucertini e il celebre designer Karim Rashid

News - Lucertini Arredamenti
Lucertini Arredamenti srl - S.S. Adriatica Nord 27 60019 Senigallia (AN) Tel. +39 071 6608631 Fax +39 071 6609344 - // SITEMAP - it | en | de |
P.I. / C.F. / Registro Imprese 02042260428 - REA AN 157097 - Cap. sociale € 90.0000,00 - Hosted & Developed by NETSERVICE © 2009